YoungPreneur Workshop

Interested in making money from your hobby or passion?

Then join our YouthPreneur course, which will use fun exercises, creative activities and group competitions to teach you the basics of starting up a business.

No matter what you enjoy doing, this course will show you how you can turn it into something that others will pay you for.

Get ready to challenge yourself and think outside the box while experiencing what it's like to start a business from something you are passionate about.

Think Dragons' Den, think The Apprentice, think young entrepreneur in the making!

Work, Study & Life Skills
Work, Study & Life Skills Work, Study & Life Skills



Course Code:


Age Range:

13 years to 15


Acland Burghley School

Dates & Times

Wednesday 07th August - 11:00 AM to 03:00 PM
Thursday 08th August - 11:00 AM to 03:00 PM

Enrolment Start Date:

Monday 17th June

Enrolment End Date:

Monday 29th July


Work, Support & Life Skills
Work, Study & Life Skills


Accreditation description



Book course

Status: Closed

Sorry, this course is full